Britain bids farewell to QueenElizabeth

By: Loan Budy

Britain bid farewell to Queen Elizabeth II on Monday with a majestic funeral steeped in tradition and a send-off reflective of the broad popularity she managed to retain over her remarkable seven-decade reign. Royal family members and dignitaries gathered at Westminster Abbey for a somber service.

Tens of thousands of people flocked to streets around Westminster Abbey and along the 25-mile procession route from central London to Windsor, hoping to catch a glimpse of the sovereign’s flag-draped coffin as it traveled by hearse to her final resting place.

GG GoodBye Queen

The Queen was accorded a state funeral, the first in the UK since Winston Churchill's in 1965

State Funeral      F

The Solemn funeral Ceremony closed with the national anthem, "God Save the King.

God Save The    King   

The Queen's personal piper played the traditional Scottish lament "Sleep, dearie, sleep."

Sleep Dearie,  Sleep

2A two-minute silence was observed in the Westminster abbey and throughout the  kingdom.

2-min silence

The Queen's  Wreath Contained Flowers  and  Foliage of rosemary ,English  Oak and myrtle.

Her Wreath

Queen Elizabeth II's 70 year reign witnessed the aftermath of World War I and the Cold War.

70-Year Reign

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