For many people of a certain age, the idea of flying taxis, ferrying people around cities, brings to mind the once popular animated TV series The Jetsons. The 1960s show depicted a family living in a futuristic metropolis where commuters headed to work in cars that soared through the air.
This comes as delivery drones are also being increasingly developed and tested, with the global market for these tipped to be worth $5.6bn (£4bn) by 2028, according to one estimate.
To handle the demands of a future, in which drones and flying taxis (think large, multi-propeller drones) share airspace over busy conurbations, proponents of the technologies say cities will need to build lots of mini-airports, dubbed "sky ports"
Houston, Los Angeles, and Orlando have already announced plans to establish infrastructure for flying taxis and other similar vehicles.
"Our goal is to show that the turnaround time can be absolutely minimal, so that with a very small footprint, you can get high-capacity infrastructure that can support the vehicles," Mr Sadhu said.
The project's designers believe that the concept will show how a network of small urban mobility hubs can be rapidly set up in cities of various sizes.
"We're aiming to see 200 Urban Air Ports deployed within the next five years, globally," Mr Sadhu added. "But we think that's conservative, because big cities will need significantly more.
Billed as the "world's smallest airport", the firm hopes that the zero-emissions facility will be replicated around the globe to cut both road congestion and air pollution from cars and lorries.